Mohammed Azad

LA Civil Rights Policy Fellow

About Me

Mohammed Azad Headshot

A passion for progressive change. Mohammed Azad is a Bangladeshi American born and raised in Los Angeles. Growing up in a low-income neighborhood, he has seen the effects issues like unaffordable housing, lack of green space, and wealth inequality have on his community. These experiences have shaped his purpose towards community and policy-centered work to improve the peoples’ quality of life. Now, Mohammed is a Policy Fellow with the Los Angeles Civil Rights Department, and a recent UCLA graduate with a B.A. in Public Affairs.

While studying at UCLA’s Luskin School of Public Affairs, Mohammed grew an interest in data science and social science research. He saw the power behind research and data analysis to promote policies and programs when aligned with communities’ visions. Mohammed’s goal is to use his data science and research skills to bring stronger support towards progressive policies and programs. He also hopes to use these skills to innovate government operations and services to be more efficient.

In his spare time, Mohammed enjoys making content such as vlogs, food and movie reviews, and insightful analyses of social issues. He also enjoys working out through weights, basketball, and running (3x LA Marathon finisher!). His biggest aspiration is to travel around the world and experience all types of new food, environments, and overall culture. Mohammed also volunteers with local organizations and Humanitarian OpenStreetMap.

Places I've Visited Around The World 🌎